Link to: Text about praxis and photos from the show “Dvale i Enge”, M100Odense.

Johanne Skovbo Lasgaard works with the body as a container for a mental state of mind and the inherent language of the materials, and their coherence with the language of emotional life. Both the personal and the collective memory are awakened by the materials and the body.

In her study of the possibilities of cognition in the tactile, she often takes as her point of departure the near, the mundane. To open her works up to the world, Lasgaard works to create surfaces that evoke a desire to touch and smell them. It creates a sensual and physical connection to those who come in contact with the works.


Ugens Kunster, Artist Of The Week,

Anmeldelse af Hazy Memory Pool, Information Review about the show Hazy Memory Pool (II) by Information

Hazy Memory Pool (II) by Kunstkritikk: Disede drømme i gips og sølvpapir

Kopenhagen, Interview i forbindelse med udstillingen Hazy Memory Pool II Hazy Memory Pool (ll). Interview by Kopenhagen.

Opaque Jounal, interview. Arranging Ellements, interview by Opaque Journal